Most of people nowadays always clean in a hurry or have a way of cleaning that caters for only important areas in their houses.  Some people will say it’s boring but put on some lively music and it creates the right mood. Below find ways to clean your house effectively:

Dust Your House

Dust each room, including the topsides of all the furniture, undersides of shelves, and all handrails, as well as picture frames and TV screens. When it’s possible to dry-dust, do it.  Getting something wet makes it harder.  This will lower allergens and improve the air quality in your house. Dampened cloths tied to the ends of mops and brooms work great for removing cobwebs.

Cleaning tip: Look up top. “People don’t dust up on the very top of furniture, and that’s where all the dust collects and then falls off,”

Clean Furniture Fabric

Go through the house and strip and remake beds; neaten any pillows or furniture blankets. Brush furniture surfaces with a vacuum extension as needed. Every now and then, some wooden furniture needs a good waxing.

Clean Mirrors and Glass

Wipe down mirrors and windows throughout the house. Use one damp microfiber cloth, followed by one dry cloth in wiping cleans all the mirrors and glass surfaces.

Cleaning tip: Using one wet and one dry microfiber cloth won’t leave streaks.

Clean Surfaces

Wipe down all surfaces and counters throughout the house, disinfecting as necessary.  You should disinfect some of those surfaces, particularly the ones that might deliver germs to people’s fingers and faces.

Cleaning tip: Be sure to wipe down all places that fingers touch, like door handles, light switches, TV remotes and phones. “Those are the places that people forget, and they really hold germs.

Clean the Kitchen and Bathroom

Walk through and spray cleaner on tubs, sinks and toilets. Return and scrub. Then, in the kitchen, wipe down the inside of the microwave, and cabinet and appliance doors.

Clean Floors

Sweep, then mop or scrub the bathroom and kitchen floors, and any other floor that needs it.  Start mopping from the farthest corner of the room and move backwards towards the doorway (that is, don’t mop yourself into a corner).

Cleaning tip: “Always do bathroom floors on your hands and knees with a microfiber cloth and cleanser.”That’s how you know that you got every corner, even behind toilets, and that they’re 100% disinfected.”

Vacuum the House

Vacuum your way out the bedrooms, down the stairs, through the living room and out of the house,” This is very important if you have a carpeted house just to ensure you have a dust free house. It is also good to change sheets in a room before you vacuum this helps in maintaining freshness.

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