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Sometimes we question the relationship we have with our househelps’ and it can be be confusing. How do we know it’s the right time to let the help go? How do we prepare the children for change? The moment you begin to question the trust you...

Resiliency helps kids navigate the inevitable trials, triumphs and tribulations of childhood and adolescence. We all want to raise resilient kids who are not afraid to try new things let’s face it, many of us have been afraid to try something at one point or...

As parent you have to teach children to be disciplined, treat others with kindness and also communicate their feeling without being disrespectful. You however cannot teach respect instantly as most prefer to deal with it there and then. Once a child is angry the thinking...

Most House help nowadays complain that their seen as lesser beings and they feel like they don’t have rights. The government has enacted new labor laws that will help them as they work. As an employer you need to be familiar with the laws before...

Starting pre-school is a very big step for a child, and parents should play an essential role in preparing their young ones. Here are a few ways to prepare for when your child is reporting to school: Visit the preschool It is a good idea to visit...

All parents want their children to have good character traits which they believe will set them up for good, healthy and successful happy lives. Parents have the power to instill positive characters in their children rather than believe that it is something they are born...

Most of people nowadays always clean in a hurry or have a way of cleaning that caters for only important areas in their houses.  Some people will say it’s boring but put on some lively music and it creates the right mood. Below find ways...

We all have things we would want from our new help and things they should not go against. This post shows on how handle the trickiness of employees who live in your home: Not everything may be a applicable, but perhaps these tips will give...

Children are not born with social skills. It is human nature for them to start out with a survival-of-the-fittest mentality. That’s why you need to teach your toddler how to act appropriately and safely, when you’re around and when you’re not. Teach your children how...

Here you are, you found a nanny job that fits you. How do you keep it? How do you become the all-star nanny that every parent finds indispensable? Here are some tips to help you understand how to be a good nanny. Be On Time! Your employer...

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